We design and provide satellite Multi-Access TV (SMATV) services from small systems to large solutions with many distributed channels for hundreds of users. We also provide turn-key solutions for satellite IPTV as a low cost alternative to SMATV by using our client’s LAN network to distribute TV channels, eliminating the need for the separate cabling required for analog SMATV.
We provide end to end turnkey solutions for your IPTV needs. We will design the network, prepare the BOQ, procure and supply all required equipment, install and maintain the solution. We will provide the full design and (as built) documentation for all our installations. We can also provide the various components individually if required, including the IP head end system, equipment rack, UPS, middle ware, encoders, switches, and distribution network components etc.

SMATV stands for Satellite Master Antenna Television, and refers to a system that uses multiple satellites and broadcast signals to create a single integrated cable signal for distribution to a cabling network. In other words, with a SMATV system you can become your own in-house cable company.

IPTV (IP Television) is a system where a digital television service is delivered by using Internet Protocol over a network infrastructure, which may include Internet Protocol Television (IPTV) which is digital television delivered on your television (and not PC) through a high speed internet (broadband) connection. With this service, channels are encoded in IP format and delivered to the TV through a set top box. IPTV service also includes video on demand, which is similar to watching video CDs/DVDs using a VCD/DVD player.